Sunday 23 June 2013

A notice board - with a twist

After I came across a really sweet idea for a workstation on another website via pinterest, it inspired me to do something similar for my room, allowing me to be a little more creative rather than using a plain, boring cork notice board.

I got everything I needed from the range I started with a plain (cheap) cork board. The one I chose came with pins and two small fixing hooks (which I later used to hang the board with).

I began by dismantling the frame of the board into four separate sections. Before I did anything else I used a little leftover paint I had from when I decorated my room to paint the four sections to get rid of the regular wood look.

While that was drying, I covered the cork section with material I had chosen (I was lucky enough to get material with colours that matched my room perfectly) the way you backed an exercise book at school, using super glue to secure the folds on the other reverse side. (Tip: watch out for your fingers, super glue is sticky...I learnt that the hard way!)

After that had been done, I fixed three of the frame pieces back into place (the two sides and the bottom). Before fixing the fourth into place, I halved a 3m ribbon and wrapped each piece around the edge. I then pushed the top edge onto the board, trapping the ribbons in place.

I then fixed the hooks into place and tied the ribbons to hang.

The whole thing took me about 30mins from start to finish and fits into my room a lot better.


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